Summer School Programme
The Summer School in Communicating politics. Media, Communication, Activism from the French Revolution to the present will last one week, commencing September 19 (Monday) until September 24 (Saturday), 2016. It will consist in lectures, seminars and visits to sites, selected as significant case studies. ECTS credits and a final certificate will be awarded to those who have attended at least 70% of classes.
Summer School Programme
DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAMME IN PDF FORMAT (latest update September 6th 2016).
9.00 - 09.30
Participants' welcome and registration
09.30 - 11.00
Introductory lectures on Theater and politics - Theatricality of politics
Jean Claude YON (Versailles). Le théâtre, une affaire politique en France au XIXe siècle.
Carlotta SORBA (Padova). Theater, theatricality and politics in XIX century Europe.
11.30 - 13.00
Reading groups | The media system in the XIX century
14.30 - 16.00
Case studies and laboratories with Alessio Petrizzo and Elena Bacchin
Giulio TATASCIORE. La terra promessa dei briganti. Storia di un immaginario (1782 - 1876).
Fabiana LICCIARDI. Echi nei Theater-Kino-Varieté di un confine in guerra: Trieste 1914 - 1918.
16.30 - 18.00
Visit to the city centre of Padova | Palazzo Bo, Museo del precinema
9.00 - 11.00
Introductory lectures on Press, graphic arts, photography
François VALLOTTON (UNIL). Edition et engagement politique: cartographie d’un champs de recherche.
Philippe KAENEL (UNIL). Society on the move: an Iconology of fin-de-siècle urban wandering (as seen by Jules Adler and Th.-A. Steinlen).
11.30 - 13.00
Reading groups
14.30 - 16.00
Case studies and laboratories with Gianluca FRUCI and Sandro MORACHIOLI
Pol DALMAU PALET. Press and Politics in Modern Spain. The case of the Godó family and the founding of La Vanguardia.
Giulio ARGENIO. Ipnosi e inganno, la rappresentazione dei mass media nei periodici di fantascienza statunitensi.
16.30 - 18.00
Katarzyna MATUL. La légitimation culturelle de l’affiche après 1945.
Jessica Lynn HARRIS. Exporting Mrs. Consumer: The American Woman in Italian Culture, 1945-1975.
9.30 - 13.00
Full day Workshop on Political objects in Nineteenth-Century Europe
Teaching staff: Carlotta SORBA (Padova), Arianna ARISI ROTA (Pavia), Roberto BALZANI (Bologna), Anna NOVIKOV (Berlin), Rolf REICHARDT (Giessen), Simon MORGAN (Leeds), Maria LOUSADA (Lisbon), Alessio PETRIZZO (Padova - Lyon), Sandro MORACHIOLI (Pisa)
9.00 - 11.00
Introductory lectures on Political cinema. Rock narratives
Caroline MOINE (Versailles). Ecrire l’histoire des festivals internationaux de cinéma : au cœur des relations entre cinéma et politique.
Alberto Mario BANTI (Pisa). Rock narratives.
11.30 - 13.00
Discussion on Cinema archives and sources
Chair: Alessandro FACCIOLI (Padova).
Speakers: Michela ZEGNA (Bologna). La Cineteca del Comune di Bologna. | Paolo SIMONI (Padova). L'Archivio Nazionale dei film di famiglia.
14.30 - 18.00
Case studies and laboratories with Alessandro FACCIOLI and Damiano GAROFALO
Boris RUZIC. The Gaze Behind the Screen: Perception of Images in Media Texts.
Dunja JELENKOVIC. The Cultural and Political History of the Yugoslav Documentary and Short Film Festival 1954-2004. From Yugoslav Socialism to Serbian Nationalism.
Johanna AMAR. La médiatisation des premiers festivals de musique pop français et italiens en 1970 : représenter les cultures contestataires.
Ivan PAGLIARO. Il PCI e la popular music. Ascesa e declino del partito pedagogo, 1943-1991.
9.00 - 11.00
Introductory lectures on Intermediality television, radio, advertising
François ROBINET (Versailles). Les interventions militaires françaises en Afrique (1994-2014) : des usages stratégiques des narrations médiatiques.
Ferdinando FASCE (Genova). As if he were a patent medicine. The Rise and Development of Political Consulting in Twentieth Century U.S.
11.30 - 13.00
Nelly VALSANGIACOMO (UNIL). The Radio field.
Raffaella PERIN (Venice). Vatican radio in WWII: a case study.
14.30 - 16.00
Case studies and laboratories with Damiano GAROFALO and Federico MAZZINI on the Cold war era.
Alexander GOLOVLEV. Comparative analysis of Soviet and French musical promotion in occupied Austria after World War II.
Ascanio CECCO. Les expositions organisées par l’administration américaine en Europe, entre 1949 et 1952.
Cyril MICHAUD. Le Réarmement moral en Suisse (1945-1965) : implantation, réseau et militance d'un mouvement politico-religieux anticommuniste.
Christophe KEROSLIAN. Etude sur l’évolution des stratégies communicationnelles du P.C.F. à la fin des années 1960.
9.00 - 11.00
Case studies and laboratory with Mirco CARATTIERI (Modena-Reggio Emilia) on Collective memories and media
Costanza CALABRETTA. Rivoluzione pacifica e Unità. Celebrazioni nella Germania riunificata (1990-2014).
Franziska KOLS. War crimes in the collective memory. The trials for nazi massacres in Italy after 1994 from a German-Italian perspective.
Maria Luisa MIRAGLIA. Politiche di segregazione tra Kosovo e Sud Africa.
11.30 - 13.00
Students present their personal contribution to the development of a Summer School blog.
Final round table | Award of the Summer School diplomas.