The University of Padova, Italy
The University of Padova – Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World has been the coordinator of the international research project Company towns in the world - origins, evolution and rehabilitation (16th-20th centuries), which was funded by the Italian Cariparo - Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo fund for excellence projects and has led to a general virtual database and catalogue (virtual Atlas) of company towns. The research has aimed at reconstructing their origin and evolution, considering company towns and villages as a phenomenon central to the social, economic and spatial analysis of modern industrialization. Several themes were investigated in a comparative approach and the research has truly proved to be interdisciplinary, offering the opportunity to study the workers settlement both from a historical, architectural, urbanistic and social – economic as well as anthropological point of view.
The Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Olavarria, Argentina
The Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN) – Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento De Antropologia Social has been strongly promoting reasearch projects in the field of Social anthropoloy and has particularly focused on the study of the social organization of company towns, oral history and migration studies. Unicen has collaborated with the University of Padova in the international research project Company towns in the world - origins, evolution and rehabilitation (16th-20th centuries) and its support has been crucial in bringing significant materials to the research, especially focused on the Argentinian company towns. A research group is developing the work by collecting interviews of ex workers and documents on field, which are particularly interesting from an anthropological point of view.
The University of Lodz, Poland
University of Lodz - Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences has particularly worked with the UNICEN within the joint research project focusing on “Capital social y participación ciudadana en sociedades post-industriales”. Such international initiative has been developing after a past international project on “Patterns of Local Participation and Social Structure of Local Communities” (1996 – 2001).
The polish HEI has also joined UNICEN and the University of Padova in the recent consortium RESDEL (Interuniversity Network on Socio-Cultural Studies and Local Development) which particularly forsters mutual cooperation between the University research groups, aiming at the design and development of a Master course (Diplomado) in Social Anthropology. The network should also promote the mobility of teachers and students for research purposes.
Supporting Institutions
Three other Institutions participate in the realization of the Winter School: Nucleo Regional De Estudios Socioculturales – Nures, Argentina; Giaai - Grupo de Investigacion en Antropología y Arqueología Industrial; Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad De Arquitectura, Centro De Arqueologia Urbana – Urbanismo y Diseno.