Classes will be held in Padova, within the Premises of the University of Padova - Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World (DiSSGeA).
The Department buildings/centres are located right in the heart of Padova and accessible on foot in just a few minutes from the main town reference points (piazze, Palazzo del Bo, Caffè Pedrocchi, Giardini dell'Arena and Cappella degli Scrovegni, Basilica del Santo, Cathedral). The Central Administrative Office and Summer School Secretariat is located at the Palazzo Luzzato Dina (Address: Via del Vescovado, 30 - 35141 Padova, Italy | E-mail: summerschool.dissgea@unipd.it | View Palazzo Luzzato Dina on the map).
For information on bus connections from the railway station consult the Azienda Padova Servizi – Aps Mobilità website.
From Venice Marco Polo or Treviso Airport you can catch a bus from the bus stops in front of the airport and get off at the Padova central bus station. For information on bus connections from Venice Airport or from Treviso Airport to Padova, consult the regional long distance buses website, look for options from "Venezia Aeroporto Marco Polo Tessera" or "Treviso Aeroporto" to "Padova Autostazione". Alternatively a collective taxi service is available (air service) which can take you anywhere in Padua. To book a transfer (and for information on costs) contact Air Service della Cooperativa RadioTaxi di Padova or Landomas .
For visitors with a disability
All rooms in the Luzzato Dina building (including all lecture theatres) are accessible to individuals unable to use stairs. If you know in advance that you will be visiting the building and have access difficulties, please call us on +39 049 827 8563 and we will make arrangements to meet you. Alternatively, you can contact the porters, on the left from the main entrance door, who will be able to show you to your destination.