The examination of written texts aims at discussing practical and historical aspects of profane and Christian Greek and Latin, as well as Arab and Syrian literature, from several points of view: the history of texts, philology, criticism, exegesis, tradition and reception.
Professors and researchers who conducted research projects:
Prof. Gianluigi Baldo
Prof. Franco Benucci
Dott. Vittorio Berti
Prof. Luciano Bossina
Dott. Francesca Cavaggioni
Dott. Martina Elice
Prof. Luca Fezzi
Prof. Donato Gallo
Prof. Nicoletta Giovè
Prof. Margherita Losacco
Dott. Paola Molino
Prof. Flavio Raviola
Prof. Tania Rossetto
Prof. Giovanni Silvano
Prof. Maria Veronese
Prof. Marco Zambon
Prof. Cecilia Martini
Research projects:
Progetto Programma Rita Levi Montalcini | Universal relations, selected libraries. Catalogues and the topography of knowledge in the early modern world (1550-1650) | Dott. Paola Molino | link
Progetto di Ateneo (PRAT) | Tradizione ed esegesi della terza decade di Tito Livio | Prof. Gianluigi Baldo | link
PRIN Project | Bibliotheca italica manuscripta (BIM): describing, documenting and enhancing Italy’s medieval manuscripts | Prof. Nicoletta Giovè | link
PRIN Project | Poetic memory and poetry of memory. Lexical and thematic repetition in epigraphic versification and the literary system | Prof. Luciano Bossina | link
FIRB Project| Codices Graeci Antiquiores | Prof. Margherita Losacco | link
Progetto di Ateneo (PRAT) | Territorio ambiente visioni della natura: per un lessico del paesaggio nella letteratura latina | Prof. Romeo Schievenin | link
Centers that were involved in research activities:
Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca di Studi sulla Tradizione | Referente Prof. Margherita Losacco | link
CIRSL - Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Studi Liviani | Referente Prof. Maria Veronese | link