European and Venetian Renaissance EVERE
Project Objectives
The project is divided into two research lines: the first will focus on the dissemination of the "myth" of Venice in Europe. The main goal is to study the spread of the Venetian "model" (broadly defined) in the sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe. The Venetian constitution was a synthesis of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy; it ensured the survival of Venice throughout the course of the early modern era, allowing within the state system the coexistence of ethnic groups which were different by language, religion, economy, and mentality. The main objective is therefore to investigate the times and ways in which the Venetian model spread across Europe, through the study of figures such as ambassadors, but also consuls, merchants, intellectuals, religious dissidents, and artisans, which represents vectors of cultura! transmission in the European Renaissance. Comparative analysis on politics, diplomacy, religions, trade, arts and crafts (including guilds) will allow to understand connections and reconfiguration of the Venetian experience a cross Europe and beyond.
Activities of the research unit
Seminars are organized in arder to present and discuss our research in progress ( also from the point ofview of methodology and topics) or inviting experts from other countries:
• 29 January 2015, Andrea Caracausi (Padua University), "Guilds, craft mobility and transfer of knowledge between Veni ce and Europe";
• 10 March 2015: Benedetta Crivelli (Padua University), "Merchant networks between Venice, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic";
• 12 May 2015, Dr. James Shaw (Sheffield University), "The practice of credit in seventeenth century Venice".
• Panel From networks to spaces: socia/ identities, craft knowledge and cross-cultura/trade (1400-1800) at the II CHAM (Portuguese Centre far Global History) Conference Knowledge Transfer and Cultura/ Exchanges (Lisbon, 15-18 July 2015), FCSH/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal, from 15-18 July 2015 (organized by: Andrea Caracausi and Benedetta Crivelli);
• Venice: Trade and Manufactures during the Renaissance, International Workshop (in cooperation with the Univ,ers.izy.of Erfurt), 13 July 2015.
• Andrea Caracausi, "Craft guilds, apprenticeship and human capitai formation in early modern Italy", seminar at the University of Cambridge, Early Modern Economie and Socia! History Seminars, 14 January 2015;
• Andrea Caracausi Colloque "Compter !es privilèges dans l'Europe moderne (Angleterre-Empire-France-Itàlie)", 6-7 mai 2015 - Université de Paris 1;
• Andrea Caracausi, "Craft guilds, labour mobility and technological transfer in early modern Italy'', paper at "Knowledge Transfer and Cultura! Exchanges", CHAM International Congress 2015, New University of Lisbon, 15-18 luglio 2015;
• Andrea Caracausi, "Economie Privileges in Early Modem Italy at the World Economie History Conference", paper at the session "Privileges and economie development in Europe and Asia (16th-19th century)", Kyoto 3-8 August 2015 (with Francesco Ammannati, Carine Maitte, Beatrice Zucca);
• Benedetta Crivelli, "Mercati e commercio internazionale alle frontiere dell'impero spagnolo (XVI -XVII secolo)", paper at "Imperia. The Mediterranean Space from the Ancient World to the Contemporary Age", Scuola di Lettere Filosofia e Lingue dell'Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 24-25 Novembre 2014;
• Benedetta Crivelli, "Commerciai circuits and financial resources for the construction of economie space in the Early Modem Europe", paper at "Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges", CHAM International Congress 2015, New University of Lisbon, 15 - 18 Luglio 2015;
• Benedetta Crivelli, "Religious Courts and International Trade: the Inquisition and the Lisbon Port of Trade in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century", paper at the Conference "Diversity in development", WEHC 205, Kyoto 2015, 3-7 agosto 2015;
• Andrea Savio, "The Spanish Party in the Republic of Venice: Vicenza in the Early Modem Age", paper at "The Renaissance Society of America". Annua! Meeting (BERLIN 26-28 March 2015).
We started scientific cooperation with scholars of the Renaissance affiliated to several research centers and European universities.
• Sheffield University, Dr. James Shaw
• University Paris Est Marne la Vallèe, Lab. ACP, Prof. Carine Maitte
• CUFR Jean-Francois Champollion, with Mathieu Grenet
• University of Erfurt, with Dr Evelyn Korsh
Cooperation with the non academic world.
We started collaboration with the non-academic world (enterprises, academic spin-off, foundations) with the aim to disseminate the research to a wider public.
Federica Ambrosini
Lucio Biasiori
Stefano Calonaci
Andrea Caracausi - Head of Research Units
Benedetta Crivelli
Edoardo Demo
Giuseppe Gullino
Elisabetta Lurgo
Walter Panciera
Andrea Savio
Alfredo Viggiano
Contact Point Andrea Savio - andrea.savio@unipd.it |