LOCAL DEVELOPMENT KOS 2023 | Talk: career skills and challenges
26/09/2023 - h. 15.00
Facilitator: Prof. Maria Castiglioni and prof. Chiara Rabbiosi
Anna Ditta (ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy)
Catie Burlando (Impact Hub Ticino)
Silvia Lanzarini (UN Women)
Tahmina Naimi (OMD Belgium and Luxembourg)
Maria Chiara Pizzorno (European project developer free lance)
Miriam Pöhner (Global Engagement Office at Unipd)
Carlo Salot (GAL Escartons e Valli Valdesi)
Jean Risopoulos (FAO – Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
To attend the seminar online, please register at: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/82384505342
27/09/2023 - h. 15.00
Facilitator: Prof. Maria Castiglioni and prof. Chiara Rabbiosi
Francesca Benciolini (Municipality of Padua, International Cooperation and Peace)
Chiara Bordon (Confartigianato Imprese Vicenza)
Gabriele Giuglietti (Banca Etica and Cresud)
Valentina Puato (Angoli di Mondo Coop. Sociale)
Luca Ramigni (Fondazione Fontana ONLUS & Samuel Murage, Saint Martin CSA)
Oriana Salomón Balsamo (Smart Venice s.r.l.)
Palazzo Luzzatto Dina, Aula Magna. Via del Vescovado 30, Padova