Summer School call for application
Course title
Summer School in Labour cultures, productive systems and territorial heritage: models of analysis and case studies.
Classes are held in Spanish and English.
Application deadline
Application is possible until March 6th 2015
Please refer to the Summer School APPLICATION PROCEDUREfor more details.
Promoting institutions
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina | Faculty of Economics; Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning
University of Padova, Italy | Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World / Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell'Antichità. The realization of the course is possible thanks to the contribution of several PARTNERS.
Participation Fees
The general fee for participation in the course in $ 2160.-
Fee for graduates of Argentinian Universities: $ 1512.-
Fee for Graduate Teachers University of Buenos Aires: $ 1296.-
Fee for Graduate Teachers FADU (Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban planning, University of Buenos Aires: $ 1080.-
Recognition and Accreditation
The University of Buenos Aires (UBA) recognizes the course as a training professional Programme (CURSO DE ACTUALIZACIÓN PROFESIONAL - C.A.P.).
A certificate of approval will be granted to graduates of undergraduates with a minimum academic career of 4 years.
The University of Padova will award 6 ECTS credits (Europena Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) based on the participation of at least 70% of classes.
University of Padova: Professor Giovanni Luigi Fontana
University of Buenos Aires: Professor Maria Marta Lupano | Professor Maria Ines Barbero
University of Buenos Aires | Graduate Secretariat - 4th. Floor - Hall III - University City | Reference person: Dr. Elisa Mandrini | Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón III, 4º Piso. Buenos Aires. Ph. 011 4789-6235/36 | Web page
University of Buenos Aires | Faculty of Economics | International Relations Office | Web page
University of Padova | Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World| Reference person Dr. Francesca Mura | Via del Vescovado, 30, Padova, Italia | Webpage
Target participants
Architects, urban planners, economists, historians, anthropologists, and professionals having an academic and professional interest in the topics of the course.
Specific objectives of the course
The Programme pursues the following objectives.
- It analyses the connections between the processes of industrialization and urbanization since the late nineteenth century in Latin America. Analysis is based on a methodological and introduction and on the evaluation of case studies, to which an interdisciplinary approach is applied.
- It investigates the contribution of immigrant communities from Europe to Latin America, evaluating their role as workers and / or employers, the skills, technologies and labor cultures that they were able to bring.
- It analyses the industrial heritage as an expression of local-identity and of culture of labor
- It identifies tangible and intangible heritage assets - of selected production systems.
- It promotes the enhancement of production sites and the various forms of cultural heritage as to foster social inclusion and community participation
- It develops models of analysis that can be applied in different territorial and social contexts.
It will work from a comparative perspective from a selection of examples in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico and Europe.
Summer School Agenda
- Emigration. The contribution of technical and technological knowledge that was brought by immigrant communities from Europe to Latin America
- The connection between the concepts of “culture of labor” and “local identity”
- The relationship between companies and local territory in the Latin American context. An interpretation by Historians of economics.
- Origin and evolution of local production systems: the concept of industrial districts in Europe and Latin America, connections between companies and territory (research models, typologies, trends, comparison of case studies)
- Models of local development and enhancement of industrial heritage
- The architectural and urban heritage in company-towns of Latin America
- Infrastructures, cityscapes and regional development
- Conservation, management and enhancement of industrial heritage
- Industrial heritage, identity and local development
- The tangible and intangible value of cultural heritage.
Study tours to significant sites
Participants will have to take part in two compulsory study tours: (1) the Quilmes neighbourhood and the beer and glass museum in Berazategui, and (2) Villa Flandria and textile museum in Jáuregui. One further study tour to Uruguay is optional.
The programme foresees 10 full day classes - 60 hours (9 to 21 March 9-17 hs.).
It commences on Monday March 9, at 9 a.m. at the Faculty of Economics.
From March 9 to 13 2015 it will take place at the Faculty of Economics, University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
From March 16 to 20 2015 March it will take place at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Classes will take place in the following Halls.
Faculty of Economics (UBA) | Facultad de Ciencias Económicas UBA, Av. Córdoba 2122, 2º Piso Room 459 C1120AAQ Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (UBA) | Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón III, Rooms on the 4th floor, Postgraduate Secretary (4° Piso). Buenos Aires.