Ambiti di ricerca
The DiSSGeA Department research studies cover a wide spatial and temporal range in their objects of study, from Greek and Latin civilizations to today’s world. The Department adopts, elaborates and critically applies the most varied methodologies to effectively carry out historical, geographic, cartographic, literary and anthropological research concerning the diversity of its objects of study and the growing demand for their cross-sector and comparative reading.
The Department's main research areas are related to some keywords that reflect the many aspects of Dissgea scientific activity. Lines of research mirror the activities of 13 research centers, European research projects (ERC - Starting Grant) and national research projects (PRIN).
Research areas:
- I Laboratori del DiSSGeA
- Centri di ricerca interdipartimentali, di Ateneo e Interateneo
- Qualità della ricerca
- Opportunità di finanziamento per la ricerca
- Calendario eventi
- Visiting Scholars
- Apply with Us: Modalità di partecipazione a bandi competitivi individuali
- Dottorato di ricerca
- Progetto di Eccellenza Mobility and the Humanities
Ricerca Nazionale e Internazionale
049 827 8561 - 8563 - 8542
research.dissgea@unipd.itRelazioni Internazionali:
049 827 8562
international.dissgea@unipd.itPalazzo Luzzato Dina (II piano)
Via del Vescovado, 30
35141 - PADOVA