Mobility and the Humanities Project - Annual Conference 2019: Framing Mobilities through the Humanities
Sala Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli. Via del Vescovado, 30 - Padova
Dal 05.12.2019 al 06.12.2019
Nei giorni 5 e 6 dicembre 2019 presso la Sala Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli. Via del Vescovado, 30, nell'ambito delle iniziative legate al progetto di Eccellenza Mobility and the Humanities, si svolgerà la conferenza dal titolo "Framing Mobilities through the Humanities".
The Department of Historical and Geographical Sciences and the Ancient World (DiSSGea) at the University of Padova has launched the five-year (2018-2022) Mobility and the Humanities project to develop interdisciplinary research about mobilities. Drawing from a rich and unique mix of disciplines, with a distinctive reference to the connections between past (from antiquity to contemporaneity) and present times, the newly established Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility and the Humanities aims to contribute original work to an emerging area of interest that is increasingly examined by other research hubs worldwide. Starting from a collaborative stance, the centre is committed to hosting a Mobility and the Humanities Seminar Series that involves many key speakers from the field.
The project’s first annual conference carries on the aim to position our centre as a place where intellectual exchange and hospitality takes a crucial part in the development of brand-new research directions. Each of the department groups (Nodes) working on main mobility research subjects (namely People, Objects, Ideas, Texts, Theories and Methods) has invited a speaker to further elaborate on and advance its research activities. Through inter-node discussions and a final plenary address, the conference will highlight the DiSSGeA’s specific contributions to a very recently established area of study that sheds light on the role of the humanities in addressing both present and past critical questions on a varied range of mobility issues.