Territorial history and the geographical analysis of territory jointly contribute to the enhancement of local development and territorial governance.
Professors and researchers who conducted research projects:
Prof. Franco Benucci
Prof. Marina Bertoncin
Prof. Dario Canzian
Prof. Ferdinando Fava
Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana
Dott. Donato Gallo
Dott. Maria Teresa Milicia
Prof. Elisabetta Novello
Prof. Valter Panciera
Prof. Andrea Pase
Dott. Silvia Piovan
Dott. Daria Quatrida
Prof. Flavio Raviola
Prof. Lorena Rocca
Research projects:
Progetto di Ateneo (PRAT) | Towards an interpretative model of proximity in local development projects | Prof. Marina Bertoncin | link
Progetto di Ateneo (PRAT) | Land Grabbing in Africa: investigating the hydraulic territorialization patterns between local development and global markets | Prof. Pierpaolo Faggi | link
Centers that were involved in research activities:
Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca e Servizi sui Diritti della Persona e dei Popoli | Prof. Pierpaolo Faggi (membro del Comitato tecnico-scientifico) | link