MoHu Guest Lecture | Bringing Oysters Back to New York Harbor

Sala Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli. Via del Vescovado, 30


Martedì 22 novembre 2022 alle ore 15.00 presso la Sala Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli. Via del Vescovado, 30, nell'ambito del progetto di Eccellenza "Mobility and the Humanities" Brett Palfreyman (Wagner College - MoHu Center) sarà ospite di una Guest Lecture dal titolo "Bringing Oysters Back to New York Harbor"


Before it became the largest metropolis in the United States, New York Harbor was the greatest oyster habitat on the planet.  For centuries, the bountiful bivalves served as both a dietary staple and a booming industry.  But by the early 1900s, after years of overharvesting and increasing pollution, oysters became functionally extinct in city waters.  Just in the last decade, however, a number of organisations have initiated campaigns to bring oysters back to New York waters.  Groups like the Billion Oyster Project, which aims to seed 1 billion oysters by the year 2050, hope that a restored oyster population will once again provide critical environmental services to the local ecosystem and protect vulnerable urban shorelines from severe weather and rising water.  This seminar will examine the past, present, and potential future of oysters in New York Harbor.