Selezione 2023AS33 per il conferimento di un assegno di Tipo A (24 mesi) - Selection announcement 2023AS33 for the awarding of 1 research Grant type A (24 months) funded by project ERC-2021-STG FRAGARIST
Dal 15.11.2023 al 30.11.2023
The research grant is embedded in a research project entitled “FragArist - The Fragments of Aristotle: Reconstructing Aristotle's Lost Works””, funded by the ERC-2021-STG project FragArist n. Grant Agreement n. 101041826, and supervised by Professor Gertjan Verhasselt.
This two-year fellowship is part of a larger ERC project aiming to prepare a digital critical edition of the fragments of Aristotle and reconstruct his lost works.
SELECTION ANNOUNCEMENT (including eligibility criteria)
DEADLINE NOVEMBER 30, 2023 (no later than 13:00)
The application may only be submitted by completing the online procedure available from 15 November 2023 at 13:00 at the following link: (assegni-dissgea-33-2023)