Selezione 2024AS11 per il conferimento di un assegno di Tipo A (24 mesi) - Selection announcement 2024AS11 for the awarding of 1 research Grant type A (24 months) funded by project ERC-2023-COG EU-GUNS

Dal 16.09.2024 al 01.10.2024

The research grant is titled “EU-GUNS A Continent Disarmed? Gun Culture, Gun Control and the Making of Western Europe (ca. 1870-1970) - The case of Spain”, and is embedded in an ERC-2023-COG (Consolidator Grant) project Grant Agreement n. 101124518 titled EU-GUNS Project “A Continent Disarmed? Gun Culture, Gun Control and the Making of Western Europe (ca. 1870-1970)” and supervised by Professor Matteo Millan.

SELECTION ANNOUNCEMENT (including eligibility criteria)

DEADLINE OCTOBER 1, 2024 (no later than 13:00)

The application may only be submitted by completing the online procedure available from 16 September 2024 at 13:00 at the following link:


RESULTS (updated on 17.10.2024)