Personale docente
Gianmario Cattaneo
Gianmario Cattaneo (Turin, 1990) is post-doctoral researcher at the University of Eastern Piedmont, where he teaches "Latin language and grammar", and holds the seminars of "Medieval Latin literature" and "History of ancient books". In 2022/2023 he is lecturer of "Digital Philology" at the University of Padua.
He received a PhD in Medieval and Renaissance studies from the University of Florence and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, and has been post-doctoral fellow of the KU Leuven, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Innsbruck, the Warburg Institute in London, and the University of Turin. He also holds the Diploma in Greek Paleography from the Vatican School of Paleography.
He collaborates with several DH projects: "DigilibLT. Digital library of late-antique Latin texts" (; "MQDQ. A digital archive of Latin poetry" (; "Clavis Clavium. An integrated reference database and collaborative update platform to open up Patristic, Medieval and Byzantine texts" ( He is also member of "GIROTA. Gruppo italiano di ricerca su Origene e la tradizione alessandrina", and collaborates with the series "Opera omnia di Origene".
His main research interests include Late-Antique and Humanistic Greek authors. He has published books on Severus of Antioch (Rome: Città Nuova, 2019), the Plato-Aristotle controversy in the Quattrocento (Berlin-Boston: de Gruyter, 2020), and Bessarion's Greek letters (Rome: Storia e Letteratura, 2020). He is currently conducting research on Origen's Homilies on Luke.
- Le lettere greche del Cardinal Bessarione. Nuovi percorsi di ricerca, Rome: Storia e Letteratura, 2020 (“Libri, carte, immagini” 15)
- Domizio Calderini, Niccolò Perotti e la controversia platonico-aristotelica nel Quattrocento, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter 2020 (“Transmissions” 5).
- Severo di Antiochia, Omelia sulla risurrezione, Rome: Città Nuova, 2019 (“Collana di testi patristici” 259).
- Angelo Poliziano, Pietro Crinito e il Mon. gr. 182: differenti fasi e usi di uno zibaldone greco polizianeo, Archivum mentis 11 (2022), 33–62.
- Un inedito excerptum della Biblioteca pseudo-apollodorea, Prometheus 48 (2022), 79–85.
- Il fuco e le api. Proposta di correzione a Philo Migr. 164, Henoch 43.2 (2021), 287–293.
- Il fr. 222 Rauer di Origene Prometheus 47 (2021), 225–232.
- Τὰ ακριβῆ τῶν ἀντιγράφων. Some Considerations on Eusebius of Caesarea, Severus of Antioch, and the Ending of the Gospel of Mark, Augustinianum 61.2 (2021), 337–359.
- Karl Lachmann e i testi cristiani delle origini, MAT 44 (2021), 1–89.
- Un moderno falso origeniano: sull’attribuzione e sui testimoni di Or. fr. 241-242 Rauer (90-91 Crouzel-Fournier-Périchon) in Lc., Commentaria Classica 7 (2020), 149–167.
- I frammenti di Teodoro di Mopsuestia nelle Catene alla Genesi e un equivoco su Teodoro e il Contra Christianos di Porfirio, Koinonia 44 (2020), 1621–1634.
- Note su Severo di Antiochia e la tradizione esegetica alessandrina, AAT 154 (2020), 95–123.
- Questioni di filologia attributiva dalle Omelie a Luca di Origene, in A. Borgna, M. Lana (edd.), Epistulae a familiaribus. Per Raffaella Tabacco, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2022, 107–120.
- Severo di Antiochia, Lampezio e i Messaliani alla luce di un nuovo frammento del Contra testamentum Lampetii, in F. Piccioni, M. Stefani (edd.), Munusculum per Pinuccia Magnaldi, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2021, 155–185.
- (with G. Pascale) Bessarion, in F. Della Schiava, G. Claessens (edd.), Augustine and the Humanists, Ghent: Lysa, 2021, 259–290.
- The Study of Greek in Guillaume Budé’s Collection of Greek Letters, in F. Ciccolella (ed.), When Greece Flew across the Alps: The Study of Greek in Early Modern Europe, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2021, 27–48.
- Defensio Bessarionis: Giorgio Benigno Salviati and the Concept of Authorship in Cardinal Bessarion’s Circle, in R. Berardi, M. Filosa, D. Massimo (edd.), Defining Authorship, Debating Authenticity: Problems of Authority from Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, 175–188.
- Adversaria Sirletiana nel Vat. gr. 1890: appunti sulla biografia, le opere e le letture del cardinal Guglielmo Sirleto, in Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae XXVI, Vatican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2020, 89–114.