Seminario | La disgregazione degli imperi e i nazionalismi europei tra le due guerre



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Presentazione volume | Come dèi fra gli uomini. Una storia dei ricchi in Occidente. Laterza, 2024


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Selezione 2024AS14 per il conferimento di un assegno di Tipo A (24 mesi) - Selection announcement 2024AS14 for the awarding of 1 research Grant type A (24 months) funded by project ERC-2021-STG FRAGARIST

Dal 18.11.2024 al 17.12.2024

The research grant is embedded in a research project entitled “FragArist - The Fragments of Aristotle: Reconstructing Aristotle's Lost Works””, funded by the ERC-2021-STG project FragArist n. Grant Agreement n. 101041826, and supervised by Professor Gertjan Verhasselt.This fellowship focuses on "The


Selezione 2024AS13 per il conferimento di un assegno di Tipo A (24 mesi) - Selection announcement 2024AS13 for the awarding of 1 research Grant type A (24 months) funded by project ERC-2021-STG FRAGARIST

Dal 18.11.2024 al 17.12.2024

The research grant is embedded in a research project entitled “FragArist - The Fragments of Aristotle: Reconstructing Aristotle's Lost Works””, funded by the ERC-2021-STG project FragArist n. Grant Agreement n. 101041826, and supervised by Professor Gertjan Verhasselt.This fellowship focuses on "The


Selezione 2024AS12 per il conferimento di un assegno di Tipo A (24 mesi) - Selection announcement 2024AS12 for the awarding of 1 research Grant type A (24 months) funded by project ERC-2023-COG EU-GUNS

Dal 18.11.2024 al 03.12.2024

The research grant is titled “EU-GUNS A Continent Disarmed? Gun Culture, Gun Control and the Making of Western Europe (ca. 1870-1970) - The case of Italy”, and is embedded in an ERC-2023-COG (Consolidator Grant) project Grant Agreement n. 101124518 titled EU-GUNS Project “A Continent Disarmed? Gun


Seminario | Scendere in campo. Come Silvio Berlusconi ha cambiato la politica italiana.

Aula Magna, Palazzo Luzzatto Dina - Via del Vescovado, 30 - Padova


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Brogi M., Inventario dell'Archivio storico delle Dimesse di Padova, Cleup, Padova, 2024

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Seminar | On food and lack of food - Moving between local actions and global systems

Aula AIS2, Palazzo del Capitanio - Piazza Capitaniato 3, Padova


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Seminar | On food and lack of food - Relationship between food and identity in pastoral culture. Focus on Turkana pastoralists in Northern Kenya

Aula AIS2, Palazzo del Capitanio - Piazza Capitaniato 3, Padova


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Seminario tra.dis.c.o. | "Did you hear the latest?” Early modern news, from practice to theory

Sala Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli. Via del Vescovado, 30 - Padova


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Seminario | Ristabilire l'hebraica veritas. Esegesi e predicazione nella Roma del XII secolo

Sala Riunioni, Palazzo Liviano. Piazza Capitaniato, 7 - Padova


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Fezzi L. - Rocco M., Morituri. la vera storia dei gladiatori, ed. Garzanti, Milano, 2024

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Seminario | Autorità e spazio di stato nella tradizione politica russa

Aula E, Palazzo Maldura - Piazzetta G. Folena, 1 Padova


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Seminario | Pilgrimage circuits and religious tourism in India

Sala Africa, Palazzo Wollemborg. Via del Santo, 26 - Padova


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International conference | Constructions of knowledge, practices, and representations of vegetal life in Christian space from late antiquity to the early modern age

Sala Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli. Via del Vescovado, 30 Padova

Dal 30.10.2024 al 31.10.2024

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