Basso M., Piccinini M. (a cura di), Dottrine politiche, concetti, comunità di discorso In dialogo con Merio Scattola, Scienza & Politica Quaderno n. 10 – anno 2020

This supplement collects the materials elaborated after two conferences dedicated to Merio Scattola’s research themes, held at the University of Padua with the support of the Department of Historical, Geographic and Antiquity Sciences, the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies and the patronage of the Galileian School of Advanced Studies. It contains contributions by José Luis Villacañas, Giuseppe Duso, Michele Basso, Adone Brandalise, Angela De Benedictis, Maurizio Merlo, Luise Schorn-Schütte, Paolo Slongo, Alfredo Viggiano. The supplement ends with a brief but significant memorial of Merio by Michael Stolleis. The aim is to continue the dialogue with Merio on some interdisciplinary issues that have long been the subject of common research. The introductory note by Michele Basso and Mario Piccinini explains the choice of themes and the approach chosen. We would like to thank Marco Geuna, Claudia Passarella, Paolo Scotton and Antonio Staude for their collaboration.

ISBN: 9788854970212

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