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Selezione 2023AS31 per il conferimento di un assegno di Tipo A (24 mesi) - Selection announcement 2023AS31 for the awarding of 1 research Grant type A (24 months) funded by project ERC-2021-STG FRAGARIST

Dal 12.06.2024 al 12.07.2024

The research grant is embedded in a research project entitled “FragArist - The Fragments of Aristotle: Reconstructing Aristotle's Lost Works””, funded by the ERC-2021-STG project FragArist n. Grant Agreement n. 101041826, and supervised by Professor Gertjan Verhasselt.

This fellowship focuses on "The Fragments of Aristotle in the oriental tradition"  and is part of a larger ERC project aiming to prepare a digital critical edition of the fragments of Aristotle and reconstruct his lost works. 

The research contract is expected to start around October 2024.

SELECTION ANNOUNCEMENT (including eligibility criteria)

DEADLINE JULY 12, 2024 (no later than 13:00)

The application may only be submitted by completing the online procedure available from 12 June 2024 at 13:00 at the following link: