Italian History and Culture

Obiettivi generali:
The Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World at the University of Padova offers you the opportunity to enrich your summer with one intensive course dedicated to Italian history and culture. The course will include lectures, workshops and interactive group activities and it will grant the participants with 6 ECTS. Courses in Italian language will also be offered as part of the School.
Organizzazione delle attività didattiche:
The School includes 48 hours of Italian language courses and 48 hours of seminars/excursions. In addition to classroom lectures, guided tours and excursions are planned. 6 ECTS can be expected to be awarded.
The course includes three modules of Italian history and culture plus an Italian language module (depending on the student's level).
Andrea Caracausi
Sede di svolgimento:
Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell'Antichità
Periodo di svolgimento:
3 to 30 July 2023
Destinatari del corso:
The courses are open to Bachelor students (2nd/3rd year) or Master students (1st year) from universities across the globe.