WiFi - Eduroam

The University of Padua is expanding the Eduroam network’s wifi coverage in its areas. The network is open to all students and staff members of the University of Padua as well as to guests coming from other institutions participating in the education roaming. Furthermore, Padua, just like a growing number of other cities around the world, has opened up a series of free Wi-Fi hotspots in the most beautiful and publicly accessible parts of the city.
> Info about wi-fi at Unipd and in Padua
In order to use mobile phones in Italy, you’ll need to have a mobile SIM, choosing between a prepaid or postpaid card. A wide range of traffic plans provided by Italian companies are available, so choose carefully and check the terms and conditions. You can get:
- a prepaid SIM card (ricaricabile): it must be regularly recharged with credit vouchers (ricariche) that can be done at tobacconists, bars, ATMs or online;
- a mobile contract (abbonamento), a permanent contract at a fixed monthly rate
To get a prepaid SIM card or a contract, you will need:
- identity document/passport
- Italian address tax code (codice fiscale)