Buildings and lecture theatres

The Department buildings/centres are located right in the heart of Padua and accessible on foot in just a few minutes from the main town reference points (piazze, Palazzo del Bo, Caffè Pedrocchi, Giardini dell'Arena and Cappella degli Scrovegni, Basilica del Santo, Cathedral).
Palazzo Luzzato Dina
Central Administrative Office
Address: Via del Vescovado, 30 - 35141 Padova, Italy
Front office: +39 049 8278501
Fax: +39 049 8278502
Lecture theatres STO1 (38 seats, ground floor); STO2 (38 seats, ground floor); STO3 (49 seats, II floor); Aula Magna (100 seats, II floor)
Opening times: from Monday to Friday, 8.15 am to 7.45 pm
Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli
Teaching Courses Administrative Office DiSSGeA
Doctorate Administrative Office
Address: Via del Vescovado, 30 - 35141 Padova, Italy
Front office: +39 049 8278501
Fax: +39 049 8278502
Available spaces: The Sante Bortolami Room (I floor)
Palazzo Liviano (II floor)
Lecture theatres
Address: Piazza Capitaniato, 7 - 35139 Padova, Italy
Front office: +39 049 8274525
Fax: +39 049 8274600
Lecture theatres Room 1 (28 seats, ground floor); Room 2 (32 seats, ground floor); Room A (108 seats, ground floor); Room M (100 seats, ground floor); Room N (175 seats, ground floor); Room S (88 seats, ground floor)
Palazzo Wollemborg
Administrative Offices
Lecture theatres
Museum of Geography
Address: Via del Santo, 26 - 35123 Padova, Italy
Front office: +39 049 8274072/3
Fax: +39 049 8274099
Lecture theatres: Hall A (25 seats); Hall B (25 seats); Room Brunetta (50 seats)