Tutors and Buddies


Tutors are students, doctoral students and specialisation degree graduates who help other students in their university studies supporting them and supplying them with information.

Information giving and educational support tutorship in degree courses is the role of the departments who welcome students, support them organisationally and educationally, promote contact between students and teaching staff and help the former obtain the information they need by taking a facilitating, mediating and supervisory role. They also co-ordinate additional and support teaching for especially critical exams and educational workshops.

Within the new departmental organisational framework tutoring services are also undergoing reorganisation and additional information can be found on the specific pages of the university's central site (Tutoring Service – Università degli Studi di Padova) or by consulting the reception times of the departmental degree courses (Junior Tutor Service – Literature and Philosophy).


Junior Tutor Service

c/o Sala Professori, Palazzo Liviano (Piazza Capitaniato)
Tel: 049 827 4689 – e-mail: tutorjunior.lettere@unipd.it
Reception times: Junior Tutor Service – Literature and Philosophy
The Junior Tutors are also on Facebook